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Презентация на тему Ромб

Предмет:Геометрия на английском языкеТема: «Ромб»Класс:8 Repetition12345678 1.What is a quadrilateral? 2.What is a parallelogram? 3.Formula perimeter of a parallelogram? 4.Which angles are equal in parallelogram? 5.What is the sum of the angles in quadrilateral? 6.What is a rectangle? 7.Formula perimeter of a rectangle ? 8. Formula area of a rectangle? RhombusD. A rhombus is a parallelogram that has four congruent sides.Property. The Perimeter of a rhombusP=DC+CB+AB+AD=4aArea of a rhombus The link between rhombus and life
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Repetition


Слайд 3 1.What is a quadrilateral?

1.What is a quadrilateral?

Слайд 4 2.What is a parallelogram?

2.What is a parallelogram?

Слайд 5 3.Formula perimeter of a parallelogram?

3.Formula perimeter of a parallelogram?

Слайд 6 4.Which angles are equal in parallelogram?

4.Which angles are equal in parallelogram?

Слайд 7 5.What is the sum of the angles in

5.What is the sum of the angles in quadrilateral?


Слайд 8 6.What is a rectangle?

6.What is a rectangle?

Слайд 9 7.Formula perimeter of a rectangle ?

7.Formula perimeter of a rectangle ?

Слайд 10 8. Formula area of a rectangle?

8. Formula area of a rectangle?

Слайд 11 Rhombus
D. A rhombus is a parallelogram that has

RhombusD. A rhombus is a parallelogram that has four congruent sides.Property.

four congruent sides.
Property. The diagonals of a rhombus are


Property. In a rhombus ABCD, the diagonals AC and BD
bisect each other since a rhombus is a parallelogram.

Property. Each diagonal in a rhombus bisects two angles of the rhombus.
For example: the diagonal AC is the bisector of angles A and C,
the diagonal BD is the bisector of angles B and D

Слайд 12 Perimeter of a rhombus
Area of a rhombus

Perimeter of a rhombusP=DC+CB+AB+AD=4aArea of a rhombus

  • Имя файла: romb.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 140
  • Количество скачиваний: 0