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Презентация на тему International consulting logistic company

Key facts
International Consulting Logistic Companyby Manyaeva Daria BLG-153 A Key facts Solutions for both and Range of services transportationwarehousingconsultingpicking and packingdistributioncustoms clearance Extra servicescargo web tracking delivery of fragile items Warehousingmetering systemsappropriate technical equipment Feel free to contact usvia web-site iclc.com in the headquarter office (Saint-Petersburg)
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Key facts

Key facts

Слайд 3 Solutions for both

Solutions for both and

Слайд 4 Range of services
picking and packing
customs clearance

Range of services transportationwarehousingconsultingpicking and packingdistributioncustoms clearance

Слайд 5 Extra services
cargo web tracking
delivery of fragile items

Extra servicescargo web tracking delivery of fragile items

Слайд 6 Warehousing
metering systems

appropriate technical

Warehousingmetering systemsappropriate technical equipment

  • Имя файла: international-consulting-logistic-company.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 0
- Предыдущая Природа России
Следующая - ЭлтонМэйо(1880-1950)