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Презентация на тему по геометрии на тему Cylinder and Cone

CylinderCylinder is a body of rotation. We have a rectangle and we rotate it around its side. We get cylindrical surface and two circles, called bases of cylinder.H is height of cylinder. R is its radius
Cylinder and Cone CylinderCylinder is a body of rotation. We have a rectangle and we ConeCone is a geometric body that is formed when a rectangular triangle You need to know Volume of cone Sections of cylinder Sections of Cone
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Cylinder
Cylinder is a body of rotation. We have

CylinderCylinder is a body of rotation. We have a rectangle and

rectangle and we rotate it around its side.

We get cylindrical surface and two circles, called bases of cylinder.

H is height of cylinder. R is its radius

Слайд 3 Cone
Cone is a geometric body that is formed

ConeCone is a geometric body that is formed when a rectangular

when a rectangular triangle rotates around its cathetus.
H is

height,R is radius and l is generatrix of cone.

Слайд 4 You need to know

You need to know

Слайд 5 Volume of cone

Volume of cone

Слайд 6 Sections of cylinder

Sections of cylinder

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-geometrii-na-temu-cylinder-and-cone.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 128
  • Количество скачиваний: 1