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Презентация на тему Урок интеграции английского языка и математики для 4 класса по теме Математика вокруг нас. презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (3 класс) по теме

Why do we need to study Maths?
Урок интеграции  английского языка  и математики в 4 классе. Тема Why do we need to study Maths? Would you like to have a snack? Let’s go to the café! Can you count the number of your name? 1A 2B 3C 4D Do we need maths to play?Yes, we do! How about playing a let’s have a competition ! 1. How many times can you Do we need maths at school?  Yes, of course!  Can Let’s go shopping !  Are you good at Maths? You can Let’s check!1. How much are 2 cartons of milk?£1.20 ∙ 2 = How well can you remember the names of the mathematical operations?Match:Addition.Subtraction.Multiplication.Division. A. Let’s work in pairs !  Ask your partner to do the THANK YOU for your work !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Why do we need to study Maths?

Why do we need to study Maths?

Слайд 3 Would you like to have a snack? Let’s go

Would you like to have a snack? Let’s go to the

to the café!
Complete the dialogue:
Good afternoon. Can

I have
a/an ____________ please?
- OK. Anything else?
- Yes, please. A/ an ________________.
- Would you like something to drink?
- Have you got a milkshake?
- Yes, we have. We have vanilla, chocolate and strawberry milkshakes.
- A ____________ milkshake , please.
- Here you are. That’s £_______ altogether.

an ice cream

a milkshake

a cake

a glass
of juice

Слайд 4 Can you count the number of your name?

Can you count the number of your name? 1A 2B 3C

1A 2B 3C 4D 5E 6F 7G 8H 9I


11K 12L 13M 14N 15O 16P 17Q 18R

19S 20T 21U 22V 23W 24X 25Y 26Z
Here is an example:
John= 10 + 15 + 8 + 14 = 47
What is your number?
Is it more or less than his?

Слайд 5 Do we need maths to play?
Yes, we do!

Do we need maths to play?Yes, we do! How about playing

How about playing a game?
We need two

teams. How many students are there in your group? Let’s divide you into 2 teams.
Can you do that? How many students do we have in each team?
Well done!

Слайд 6 let’s have a competition !
1. How

let’s have a competition ! 1. How many times can

many times can you write your
name in one

2. How many times can you touch your toes
in one minute?

What mathematical operation do we need
to find the winner team?
Can you write an addition sentence?

Слайд 7 Do we need maths at school?

Do we need maths at school?  Yes, of course! Can

Yes, of course!
Can you do this word

There are 12 boys and 15 girls in the class. Your teacher asks you to give out
English books. How many books do you need?
Do you know the answer?

Слайд 8 Let’s go shopping !
Are you good

Let’s go shopping ! Are you good at Maths? You can

at Maths? You can help your parents with shopping.

Can you do the word problem?

You are at the supermarket. You want to buy a kilo of oranges, half a kilo of cheese and two cartons of milk. You have 5 pounds. Look at the prices.


a kilo


a kilo

a carton

Слайд 9 Let’s check!
1. How much are 2 cartons of

Let’s check!1. How much are 2 cartons of milk?£1.20 ∙ 2

£1.20 ∙ 2 = £ 2.40
2. How much

is half a kilo of cheese?
£2.00 : 2 = £ 1.00
3. How much are the oranges?
£1.50 ∙ 1 = £ 1.50
4. How much are they altogether?
Let’s write an addition sentence:
£ 2.40 + £ 1.00 + £ 1.50 = £ 4.90
Can we buy all the things we need?

The answer is:
£ 4.90 < £ 5.00

Слайд 10 How well can you remember the names of the

How well can you remember the names of the mathematical operations?Match:Addition.Subtraction.Multiplication.Division.

mathematical operations?

A. Умножение.
B. Деление.
С. Сложение.


Слайд 11 Let’s work in pairs ! Ask your partner

Let’s work in pairs ! Ask your partner to do the

to do the sums:
Student A:
10 ∙

5 5 =
50 : 5 =
90 - 41 =
29 + 120 =

Use these words to praise your partner:

Student B:
13 ∙ 3 =
80 : 4 =
90 - 51 =
39 + 110 =
Well done!
Good work!

  • Имя файла: urok-integratsii-angliyskogo-yazyka-i-matematiki-dlya-4-klassa-po-teme-matematika-vokrug-nas-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-3-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0