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Презентация на тему Лексическая игра Richard and Rainbow

Дорогой друг! Для того , чтобы убедиться в правильном ответе на заданный вопрос, нужно кликнуть мышкой на верхнюю часть конверта: конверт открывается и появляется ответ. Переход к следующему слайду происходит по красной стрелке.Удачи!
Дорогой друг!   Для того , чтобы убедиться в правильном ответе What is the name of a man to remember the English rainbow It is a preposition that indicates relationships between other words. Is it Where is Richard from – Yukon, York or Yorkville?Richard is from York! Did Richard once give anything , get anything or glue anything?Richard gave something! Did Richard once give bottle , battle or baby?Richard gave battle! This is a preposition that is used for years, months, seasons, centuries If you do something in _____ , you do it with no Now guess what have we got?Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain What is the Russian equivalent of Richard OfYork Gave Battle In Vain https://www.desicomments.com/dc3/02/214662/214662.gifhttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/q9YhZ6Zwlrji0UWLw_tnONW337CO95Co5AZCG_-PVaGDm4qzn6tz3JFYGAGlz5Q7-YkIuKDnxSUKmYNeUcNN0TrRjoxoyHaCdpb1X0INvBsThttps://media.tenor.com/images/231cde57218087e1984e4c471279dcac/tenor.gifhttps://image.shutterstock.com/image-photo/dog-on-man-shoulders-260nw-136164980.jpghttps://static9.depositphotos.com/1252160/1141/i/950/depositphotos_11413344-stock-photo-romantic-man-giving-flowers.jpghttps://media.baamboozle.com/uploads/images/69157/1598622959_176923https://static3.depositphotos.com/1002941/153/i/600/depositphotos_1533280-stock-photo-the-boy-gives-flowers-to.jpghttps://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNjY1OS8xNzc4MC5wbmc=/347x500/VFMzpj.pnghttps://avatars.mds.yandex.net/get-zen_doc/3690562/pub_5fc8899e52642f33b9f92de6_5fc89ae9aa85793798e939bd/scale_1200https://cdn.lifehacker.ru/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/shutterstock_136164980-630x448.jpghttp://whereismap.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Where-is-York-Located-What-Country-is-York-in-York-Map.jpghttps://manylex.com/images/prepositions-of-place/inside.pnghttps://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41%2BPxYoUAwL._SR600%2C315_PIWhiteStrip%2CBottomLeft%2C0%2C35_SCLZZZZZZZ_FMpng_BG255%2C255%2C255.jpg Источники
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Дорогой друг!

Для того , чтобы

Дорогой друг!  Для того , чтобы убедиться в правильном ответе

убедиться в правильном ответе на заданный вопрос, нужно кликнуть

мышкой на верхнюю часть конверта: конверт открывается и появляется ответ.
Переход к следующему слайду происходит
по красной стрелке.


Слайд 3 What is the name of a man to

What is the name of a man to remember the English

remember the English rainbow colours - Ron, Richard or


His name is Richard!

Слайд 4 It is a preposition that indicates relationships between

It is a preposition that indicates relationships between other words. Is

other words.
Is it off, over or of?
It is


Слайд 5 Where is Richard from – Yukon, York or

Where is Richard from – Yukon, York or Yorkville?Richard is from York!

Richard is from York!

Слайд 6 Did Richard once give anything , get anything

Did Richard once give anything , get anything or glue anything?Richard gave something!

or glue anything?
Richard gave something!

Слайд 7 Did Richard once give bottle , battle or

Did Richard once give bottle , battle or baby?Richard gave battle!

Richard gave battle!

Слайд 8 This is a preposition that is used for

This is a preposition that is used for years, months, seasons,

years, months, seasons, centuries and times of day .

Is it indoors , into or in?

It is in!

Слайд 9
If you do something in _____ , you

If you do something in _____ , you do it with

do it with no result or to no effect.

Then we say – in vain , in valid or in van?

We use in vain!

Слайд 10 Now guess what have we got?
Richard Of York

Now guess what have we got?Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain

Gave Battle In Vain

Слайд 11 What is the Russian equivalent of Richard Of

What is the Russian equivalent of Richard OfYork Gave Battle In

Gave Battle In Vain ?
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  • Имя файла: leksicheskaya-igra-richard-and-rainbow.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 111
  • Количество скачиваний: 0