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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка Виды причесок

Match the words below with description 1-6. a a fringeb a permс a mullet d highlightse a moustache f a mohican
ABCD Match the words below with description 1-6. a a fringeb a 1. a men’s hairstyle in which the hair on top and at ListeningIn the 1960s, footballers didn’t look much different from the rest of a bleached b a pony tail с shoulder-length  d straight e
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Match the words below with description 1-6.
a a

Match the words below with description 1-6. a a fringeb

b a perm
с a mullet
d highlights
e a moustache

f a mohican

Слайд 3 1. a men’s hairstyle in which the hair

1. a men’s hairstyle in which the hair on top and

on top and at the sides of the head

is short but the hair at the back is long - a mullet
2. a punk hairstyle in which the hair is shaved from the sides of the head but he part in the middle stands up- a mohican
3. some hair which has been dyed a paler colour than the rest- highlights
4. hair that covers the forehead - a fringe
5. a line of hair that some men grow above their mouths- a moustache
6. a hairstyle where chemicals are used to make the hair- a perm

Слайд 4 Listening
In the 1960s, footballers didn’t look much different

ListeningIn the 1960s, footballers didn’t look much different from the rest

from the rest of society.
In the late

1970s, it became more common for players to earn a lot of money.
Footballers in the 1970s looked like rock stars..
Footballers probably choose their hairstyle to try and look more masculine.
Players in the same club have always tried to have different hairstyles from each other.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-vidy-prichesok.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0