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Презентация на тему Интерактивная викторина The Elephant, the Nature’s Gift to Humans

Elephants are warm blooded mammals that are some of the largest land animals in the world! In fact, the African bush elephant is the largest land animal in the world.
The Elephant, the Nature’s Gift to HumansАвтор:Ольга Михайловна Степановаучитель английского языка МБОУ Elephants are warm blooded mammals that are some of the largest land Question 1: How long do elephants live?Elephants can live up to 70 years. Question 2: Are elephants smart? Elephants are among the smartest animals in Question 3: What is a baby Elephant called? A baby elephant is called a calf. Question 4: What is a male Elephant called?A male Elephant is called a Bull. Question 5: Have Elephants good hearing? Elephants have excellent hearing. They have Question 6: What is the largest land animal?Elephants are the largest land Question 7: Can Elephants Jump? Elephants cannot jump Question 8: How thick is an Elephants skin? An Elephants skin is an inch thick Question 9: Is it true that Elephants purr? Yes. Elephants do purr. Question 10: Why to Elephants have tusks?An Elephant’s tusks are made of Question 11: Do Elephants get emotional?Yes, Elephants have emotions just like we Question 12: Can Elephants swim? Yes, Elephants are good swimmers. They use This is the End of the Quiz!Thank You for Being with our Amazing  Elephants! By the Way, World Elephant Day is an international annual event on Источник:Elephants – African and Asian http://easyscienceforkids.com/all-about-elephants/ Изображение:https://f1.pngfuel.com/png/517/21/224/indian-elephant-pink-cartoon-animal-figure-snout-sticker-png-clip-art.pnghttps://elephantcountry.org/sites/default/files/inline-images/l41.jpghttps://cdn140.picsart.com/306937416074211.png?type=webp&to=min&r=480https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2d/b0/0d/2db00d42ee3a0d5b8a38c6b83b13dc7d.jpghttps://www.clipartkey.com/mpngs/m/4-41502_cute-elephant-clipart-free-download-clip-art-elephant.pnghttps://i2.wp.com/www.eventstodayz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/elephant-image-animals-clipart.png?resize=618%2C605https://w7.pngwing.com/pngs/443/49/png-transparent-elephant-cartoon-elephants-mammal-child-animals.pnghttps://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l7_E48YMLk8PE_T3FGeXP10iAuTd6Sgj9Dx4=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mohttps://img2.dreamies.de/img/261/b/cy91ydjwaan.gifhttps://i.pinimg.com/474x/d9/ea/bf/d9eabf48a1fd3fc5e7162ef5e26ddc81.jpghttps://www.pinclipart.com/picdir/big/77-777935_elephant-images-dancing-clip-art-dentures-google-clip.pnghttps://i.pinimg.com/236x/13/e0/ad/13e0ad180cfca07b160ab1f42483cf5b.jpghttps://ds05.infourok.ru/uploads/ex/0568/0000670f-7a864d4f/hello_html_33ed8517.pnghttps://img.favpng.com/0/12/6/puppy-clip-art-elephant-illustration-portable-network-graphics-png-favpng-GnsP518ED3u5gFY5pX3v1knNH_t.jpghttps://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cui3uYJXEAA8QnR.jpghttps://us.123rf.com/450wm/alexbannykh/alexbannykh0606/alexbannykh060600109/427195-elefante.jpg?ver=6https://poster.keepcalmandposters.com/default/5908742_keep_calm_and_love_elephants.jpg
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Elephants are warm blooded mammals that are some

Elephants are warm blooded mammals that are some of the largest

of the largest land animals in the world!


fact, the African bush elephant is the largest land animal in the world.

Слайд 3 Question 1:
How long do elephants live?
Elephants can

Question 1: How long do elephants live?Elephants can live up to 70 years.

live up to 70 years.

Слайд 4 Question 2:
Are elephants smart?
Elephants are among

Question 2: Are elephants smart? Elephants are among the smartest animals

the smartest animals in the world. They can work

together and solve problems. Elephants have a largest brain of any animal.

Слайд 5 Question 3:
What is a baby Elephant called?

Question 3: What is a baby Elephant called? A baby elephant is called a calf.

A baby elephant is called a calf.

Слайд 6 Question 4:
What is a male Elephant called?

Question 4: What is a male Elephant called?A male Elephant is called a Bull.

male Elephant is called a Bull.

Слайд 7 Question 5:
Have Elephants good hearing?
Elephants have

Question 5: Have Elephants good hearing? Elephants have excellent hearing. They

excellent hearing. They have better hearing than us humans.

Elephants can hear some sounds up to 1.5 km away

Слайд 8 Question 6:
What is the largest land animal?

Question 6: What is the largest land animal?Elephants are the largest

are the largest land animals. The African Elephant is

the largest of the two types we have in the world. The Asian Elephant is the smaller of the two.

Слайд 9 Question 7:
Can Elephants Jump?
Elephants cannot jump

Question 7: Can Elephants Jump? Elephants cannot jump

Слайд 10 Question 8:
How thick is an Elephants skin?

Question 8: How thick is an Elephants skin? An Elephants skin is an inch thick

An Elephants skin is an inch thick

Слайд 11 Question 9:
Is it true that Elephants purr?

Question 9: Is it true that Elephants purr? Yes. Elephants do

Yes. Elephants do purr. They do this as a

way of communicating to each other.

Слайд 12 Question 10:
Why to Elephants have tusks?
An Elephant’s

Question 10: Why to Elephants have tusks?An Elephant’s tusks are made

tusks are made of Ivory, they use the tusks

for digging, lifting and when defending themselves.

Слайд 13 Question 11:
Do Elephants get emotional?
Yes, Elephants have

Question 11: Do Elephants get emotional?Yes, Elephants have emotions just like

emotions just like we do, they cry, laugh and

have an absolutely fantastic memory.

Слайд 14 Question 12:
Can Elephants swim?
Yes, Elephants are

Question 12: Can Elephants swim? Yes, Elephants are good swimmers. They

good swimmers. They use all four
legs to swim

they use
their trunk
to get air when
in deep water.

Слайд 15 This is the End of the Quiz!

Thank You

This is the End of the Quiz!Thank You for Being with our Amazing Elephants!

for Being with our Amazing Elephants!

Слайд 16 By the Way, World Elephant Day is an

By the Way, World Elephant Day is an international annual event

international annual event
on August 12th , dedicated to

the preservation and protection of the world's elephants.

  • Имя файла: interaktivnaya-viktorina-the-elephant-the-natures-gift-to-humans.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 83
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