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Презентация на тему Презентація до краєзнавчого уроку

IV. Lexical exercises ….18 km from Romny town …..according to the legend. ……Uspenskaya church ……free Cossacks settling …..one of the richest man …a good choice of public transport ….divided into nine district-nooks …Nachalnyi Yar –popular
III.PHONETIC DRILLS-Tongue-Twisters 1. Sound [ a ]–A black cat sat on a IV. Lexical exercises ….18 km from Romny town …..according to the legend. HOSPITAL
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 IV. Lexical exercises
….18 km from Romny town …..according

IV. Lexical exercises ….18 km from Romny town …..according to the

to the legend. ……Uspenskaya church ……free Cossacks settling …..one of the richest

man …a good choice of public transport ….divided into nine district-nooks …Nachalnyi Yar –popular relax place among many married people ….mighty oak …famous people …a memorial plaque to brave soldiers …the main adornment of the village …a new three-storied school …picturesquare landscapes.



  • Имя файла: prezentatsіya-do-kraєznavchogo-uroku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 105
  • Количество скачиваний: 0