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Презентация на тему Animals in our Life презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс) по теме

Answer the questions!Do you like animals?What is your favourite animal?Have got a pet? If yes, what animal is it?Have you ever been to the Zoo or to the Animal’s park? Tell about it.Where is the best
Animals in our life Answer the questions!Do you like animals?What is your favourite animal?Have got a Name domestic and wild animals!A hen      a Give the russian equivalents of the proverbs1.To kill 2 birds with one Give the plurals of the nouns!A snake What are the most intelligent animals?1)The dog2)The bear3)The chimpanzee4)The elephant5)The cat6)The sea Put the words in the right order!1)Trafalgar, I, never, to, been, Square, Аудирование Homework!Page  114 № 34(В)				 Thank you!				Good luck! ИЗОБРАЖАТЬ КАКОЕ-НИБУДЬ ЖИВОТНОЕ, ИЗОБРАЖАЯ ЕГО ПОХОДКУ ИЛИ ДВИЖЕНИЕ…	Let’s play the game “Actor”
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 Answer the questions!
Do you like animals?
What is your

Answer the questions!Do you like animals?What is your favourite animal?Have got

favourite animal?
Have got a pet? If yes, what animal

is it?
Have you ever been to the Zoo or to the Animal’s park? Tell about it.
Where is the best place for animals?
Are you against killing animals?

Слайд 5 Name domestic and wild animals!
A hen

Name domestic and wild animals!A hen   a giraffe

a giraffe

a cat
A sheep a dog a hedgehog
A rhino a cow a tiger
A lion a snake a hare
A rabbit a cock a horse
A camel a panda a bear
A squirrel a wolf a fox
A goat an elephant a crocodile
A monkey a goose a duck
A shark a whale a dolfin

Слайд 6 Give the russian equivalents of the proverbs
1.To kill

Give the russian equivalents of the proverbs1.To kill 2 birds with

2 birds with one stone.
2.No bees, no honey.
3.Curiosity killed

a cat.
4.Every family has a black sheep.
5.The early bird catches the worm.

A)без труда, не выловишь рыбку из пруда.
В)Убить 2 зайцев.
С)В семье не без урода.
D) Кто рано встаёт, того удача ждёт.
E)Любопытной Варваре на базаре нос оторвали.

Слайд 7 Give the plurals of the nouns!
A snake

Give the plurals of the nouns!A snake

an eagle
A sheep an elephant
A fox a monkey
A goose a wolf
An ox a shark
A mouse a parrot

Слайд 8 What are the most intelligent animals?
1)The dog
2)The bear

What are the most intelligent animals?1)The dog2)The bear3)The chimpanzee4)The elephant5)The cat6)The

4)The elephant
5)The cat
6)The sea lion
7)The gorilla
8)The horse
9) the orang-utan


The orang-utan
The elephant
The gorilla
The dog
The horse
The sea lion
The bear
The cat

Слайд 9 Put the words in the right order!
1)Trafalgar, I,

Put the words in the right order!1)Trafalgar, I, never, to, been,

never, to, been, Square, have.

2)letter, has, Mike, already, this,


3)invited, we, just, have, friends, our.

4)She, Zoological, joined, has, society, just,

Слайд 10 Аудирование


Слайд 11 Homework!
Page 114 № 34(В)

Thank you!
Good luck!

Homework!Page 114 № 34(В)				 Thank you!				Good luck!

  • Имя файла: animals-in-our-life-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass-po-teme.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 122
  • Количество скачиваний: 0