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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени (7 класс)

“CLEAR HEADS”Intellectual game for teens Warm-up Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb Alice looked Alice looked at broken vase. (break)Can you see that walking man? (walk)The ROUND I English  Participles Participle Participle IVerb + ingParticiple IIVerb III/ Verb+edThis book was boring.She was bored with the book. ROUND II Forms Change the verbs  like in the example: ROUND III Upgrade your skills! The hall was full of _______ people.laughedlaughinglaught 2) She showed us a list of the newly ______ books.publishespublishingpublished 3) We don’t like the book ______ last week. boughtbuyingbuyed 4) The ______ girl is about fourteen.sungsangsinging 5) The question ______ now is very important.discussdiscussingdiscussed 6) She didn’t understand the word _____ by him.saidsayingsay
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Warm-up


Слайд 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb Alice

the verb
Alice looked at ________ vase. (break)
Can you

see that _______ man? (walk)
The room is full of ______ and ______ children (shout, laugh).
She put a plate of _____ fish in front of me. (fry)
Tom got ______ after 3 minutes. (bore)
We stopped before a ______ door. (shut)

Слайд 5 Alice looked at broken vase. (break)
Can you see

Alice looked at broken vase. (break)Can you see that walking man?

that walking man? (walk)
The room is full of shouting

and laughing children (shout, laugh).
She put a plate of fried fish in front of me. (fry)
Tom got bored after 3 minutes. (bore)
We stopped before a shut door. (shut)

Слайд 6 ROUND I English Participles

ROUND I English Participles

Слайд 7 Participle
Participle I
Verb + ing
Participle II
Verb III/ Verb+ed

Participle Participle IVerb + ingParticiple IIVerb III/ Verb+edThis book was boring.She was bored with the book.

book was boring.
She was bored with the book.

Слайд 8 ROUND II Forms


Слайд 9 Change the verbs like in the example:

Change the verbs like in the example:

Слайд 10 ROUND III Upgrade your skills!

ROUND III Upgrade your skills!

Слайд 11 The hall was full of _______ people.

The hall was full of _______ people.laughedlaughinglaught

Слайд 12 2) She showed us a list of the

2) She showed us a list of the newly ______ books.publishespublishingpublished

newly ______ books.

Слайд 13 3) We don’t like the book ______ last

3) We don’t like the book ______ last week. boughtbuyingbuyed


Слайд 14 4) The ______ girl is about fourteen.

4) The ______ girl is about fourteen.sungsangsinging

Слайд 15 5) The question ______ now is very important.

5) The question ______ now is very important.discussdiscussingdiscussed

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-prichastiya-nastoyashchego-i-proshedshego-vremeni-7-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 136
  • Количество скачиваний: 2