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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Создатель первого компьютера – Конрад Зус. Past Simple Passive. по УМК Тер-Минасова

ex. 1a)Say what family holidays are celebrated in Russia. What is your favourite holiday and why?b) Say what is done and by whom in your family before the New Year. Use the example on page
Lesson 126 классУМК С. Г. Тер-Минасовой I четвертьРаздел 1 Family stories. . ex. 1a)Say what family holidays are celebrated in Russia. What is New Year Вчера Молли написала письмо подругеВчера письмо было написано (Молли).1936 Ex. 3 Past Simple Passive to be - was/were + V3 Past Simple Passive ФизкультминуткаStand up and look around,Shake your head and turn around,Stamp your feet Ex. 4 Read out loud.[ei] eight, eighteen, weigh, weight, It weighed two The first… was made in … Paul's Questions:Who made the first computer?What did the first personal computer look Рефлексия Useful Languageto weightweight to happen Home worka) ex. 4, 8b) W b ex. 1 – 3 Используемые источникиhttps://yandex.ru/images/search?p=2&text=первый%20компьютер%20фото&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yaskagu.ru%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2014%2F10%2Fistoriya_kompjuterov_ENIAC.jpg&pos=79&rpt=simage&lr=47https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=1&text=первый%20компьютер%20фото&img_url=https%3A%2F%2Fotvet.imgsmail.ru%2Fdownload%2Fu_bab1af257005b5b2f001bde49cbbe1e2_800.jpg&pos=34&rpt=simage&lr=47https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=фото%20открыток%20с%20днем%20рождения&img_url=https%3A%2F%2F1ua.com.ua%2Fmanage%2Ffotop%2F20121%2Fb7482890.jpg&pos=13&rpt=simage&lr=47https://yandex.ru/images/search?p=2&text=фото%20открыток%20с%20днем%20победы&img_url=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-arn2-1.cdninstagram.com%2Ft51.2885-15%2Fe15%2F10890519_749224391842095_1408921448_n.jpg&pos=61&rpt=simage&lr=47https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=фото%20открыток%20с%20рождеством&img_url=https%3A%2F%2Fprihozhanka.ru%2Fdownload%2Ffile.php%3Fid%3D32463&pos=1&rpt=simage&lr=47https://yandex.ru/images/search?text=фото%20открыток%20с%20новым%20годом&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fimg-fotki.yandex.ru%2Fget%2F9313%2F199203331.a%2F0_a6fac_1e2ea55a_orig&pos=23&rpt=simage&lr=47
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 ex. 1
a)Say what family holidays are celebrated

ex. 1a)Say what family holidays are celebrated in Russia. What

in Russia. What is your favourite holiday and why?

Say what is done and by whom in your family before the New Year. Use the example on page 25.

Слайд 3 New Year

New Year      Christmas


is celebrated
May Day a birthday

Lucy’s birthday is celebrated by her family today

Слайд 4 Вчера Молли написала письмо подруге
Вчера письмо было написано

Вчера Молли написала письмо подругеВчера письмо было написано (Молли).1936



Слайд 5 Ex. 3 Past Simple Passive
to be -

Ex. 3 Past Simple Passive to be - was/were + V3

was/were + V3

Слайд 6 Past Simple Passive

Past Simple Passive

Слайд 8 "On Monday the kitchen was cleaned by Mark".

On Monday the kitchen
On Tuesday the tickets to the

On Wednesday two newspapers
On Thursday a nice dinner

On Friday homework
On Saturday a lot of cakes
On Sunday pictures of butterflies
Yesterday a glass of milk

a) were read by Paul

b) was cooked by Ben.

c) were taken by Ann.
d) was brought to Lucy by Ann
e) was done by Jenny.
f) was cleaned by Mark.

g) were eaten by Lucy.
h) were bought by Molly

Слайд 9 Физкультминутка

Stand up and look around,
Shake your head and

ФизкультминуткаStand up and look around,Shake your head and turn around,Stamp your

turn around,
Stamp your feet upon the ground,
Clap your hands

and than sit down.

Слайд 10 Ex. 4 Read out loud.

[ei] eight, eighteen, weigh,

Ex. 4 Read out loud.[ei] eight, eighteen, weigh, weight, It weighed

weight, It weighed two grams;
[æ] camera, stamp, happen, It

happened in 1973;

a mobile ['mƏubail] phone,
a microscope ['maikrƏskƏup];

"1837 — eighteen thirty-seven".

1837, 1886, 1935, 1590, 1913, 1959, 1927, 1795, 1936, 1840.

Слайд 11 The first… was made in …

The first… was made in …

Слайд 12 Paul's Questions:
Who made the first computer?
What did the

Paul's Questions:Who made the first computer?What did the first personal computer

first personal computer look like?
How much did the computer

weigh in 1981?
When was the first computer mouse made?
When did a computer win a chess match with a man?

Слайд 13 Рефлексия


Слайд 14 Useful Language
to weight
to happen

Useful Languageto weightweight to happen

Слайд 15 Home work
a) ex. 4, 8
b) W b ex.

Home worka) ex. 4, 8b) W b ex. 1 – 3

1 – 3

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-sozdatel-pervogo-kompyutera-–-konrad-zus-past-simple-passive-po-umk-ter-minasova.pptx
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