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Презентация на тему ученика 7 н класса Гулова Рустама на тему Школы в Англии и в Уэльсе

In England and Wales children start schooling when they are five. A lot of them leave school when they become sixteen.
Презентация по английскому языку. Тема: schools in England and Wales. Ученика: 7 «Н»Гулова Рустама. In England and Wales children start schooling when they are five. A Most children go to state schools  which are free. The school year in England begins in September. It never begins on Monday. Little children who are five go to  primary school and stay Secondary education is also free in state schools. Parents do not pay for their children. Pupils usually have five lessons  five days a week. They go
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 In England and Wales children start schooling when

In England and Wales children start schooling when they are five.

they are five. A lot of them leave school

when they become sixteen.

Слайд 3 Most children go to state schools which are

Most children go to state schools which are free.


Слайд 4 The school year in England begins in September. It

The school year in England begins in September. It never begins on Monday.

never begins on Monday.

Слайд 5 Little children who are five go to primary

Little children who are five go to primary school and stay

school and stay there for seven years. When they

are eleven, primary school pupils go to secondary school.

Слайд 6 Secondary education is also free in state schools. Parents

Secondary education is also free in state schools. Parents do not pay for their children.

do not pay for their children.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-uchenika-7-n-klassa-gulova-rustama-na-temu-shkoly-v-anglii-i-v-uelse.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 3