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Презентация на тему Ағылшын тілінен My family тақырыбына презентация

The aims:Білімділігі: Оқушылардың ойлау дағдыларын жетілдіре отырып, еркін сөйлеуге үйрету. Жанұя тақырыбындағы жаңа сөздерді меңгерту.
My family The aims:Білімділігі: Оқушылардың ойлау дағдыларын жетілдіре отырып, еркін сөйлеуге үйрету. The Procedure of the lesson1. Organization moment2. Checking up home task3. Introduction Good morning,all!How are you?Who is on duty?Who is absent?What date is it Phonetic drill.Uu [u:; ju: ] in June, tune, flute II.Checking your home task:Let’s check your hometask. Ex10, p33. Read.Pete, Ben, China, III. New words.- Today we have new words linking with the theme IV. Work with pictures.-Look at the “family tree” and complete the sentences.1. V. Talk to your friend about Ashley’s family.  a) Who is VI. Writing - Scrambled Letters Find the correct words and write them VII. Singing a song.Let’s sing a song which is called “Finger family”. Find all family words. Write one word into each gap.dwgranddaughterdchildgdaughterkkidograndsonvvsonmtwinhtniecehjnephewqgreatgrandparentsdfathermothergrandmothergrandfatherauntunclechildrenVIII. Word snake. IX. Conclusion.My father's mother is my ... X. Giving home task. - Your home task will be to learn Today you have learnt a lot of information. You’ve done a lot
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aims:
Білімділігі: Оқушылардың ойлау дағдыларын жетілдіре
отырып, еркін

The aims:Білімділігі: Оқушылардың ойлау дағдыларын жетілдіре отырып, еркін сөйлеуге үйрету.

сөйлеуге үйрету.

Жанұя тақырыбындағы жаңа сөздерді меңгерту.
Өздік есімдігін сөйлемде пайдалануды үйрету.

Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың тілдерін жаттықтыру;
Олардың ойлау, зейін қою, елестету қабілеттерін дамыту.

Тәрбиелік мәні: Пәнге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру,
Ұйымшылдыққа, бір-бірін сыйлауға тәрбиелеу.

Слайд 3 The Procedure of the lesson
1. Organization moment
2. Checking

The Procedure of the lesson1. Organization moment2. Checking up home task3.

up home task
3. Introduction of the new theme

Warm- up
5. New words
6. Work with pictures
7. Make up sentences
8. Home task

Слайд 4 Good morning,all!
How are you?
Who is on duty?
Who is

Good morning,all!How are you?Who is on duty?Who is absent?What date is

What date is it today?
What day of the week

is it today?
What season is it now?


Слайд 5 Phonetic drill.
Uu [u:; ju: ] in June,

Phonetic drill.Uu [u:; ju: ] in June, tune, flute

tune, flute [^] in Russian, number, jump,

uncle, jug

Th [ ] in father, mother, brother, they [Ө] in thank, three, Kathy

Слайд 6 II.Checking your home task:
Let’s check your hometask.


II.Checking your home task:Let’s check your hometask. Ex10, p33. Read.Pete, Ben,

p33. Read.
Pete, Ben, China, she, Ted, Helen, shell, ten,

Chaplin, fish, he, shop,
chick, chocolate,
Masha, Gaisha.

Слайд 7 III. New words.
- Today we have new words

III. New words.- Today we have new words linking with the

linking with the theme family.
Write down please, these words

in your vocabulary.

A grandmother an aunt
a mother a sister
children a son
A grandfather a father
a brother an uncle a daughter parents

Слайд 8 IV. Work with pictures.
-Look at the “family tree”

IV. Work with pictures.-Look at the “family tree” and complete the

and complete the sentences.
1. Ashley is Derek’s …
2. Alan

is Brian’s …
3. Jennifer is Ashley’s …
4. Tim is Brian’s …
5. Phyllis is Jennifer’s …
6. Jennifer is Brian’s …
7. Derek is Asley’s …
8. Daphne is Ashley’s …
9. Derek is Brian’s …

Слайд 9 V. Talk to your friend about Ashley’s family.

V. Talk to your friend about Ashley’s family. a) Who is

a) Who is Mr.Alan?

He is ….

b) Who is Jennifer?
She is …

c) Who are Derek and Jennifer?
They are …

Слайд 10 VI. Writing - Scrambled Letters
Find the correct

VI. Writing - Scrambled Letters Find the correct words and write

words and write them into the gaps.
Example: horadgmthner -

Answer: horadgmthner – grandmother

fathre -
aarndgfther -
osn -
agdtuehr –
5) rbthoer -
6) atnu -
7) nriachgdld -
8) sesitr -
9) othemr -

Слайд 11 VII. Singing a song.
Let’s sing a song which

VII. Singing a song.Let’s sing a song which is called “Finger

is called “Finger family”.
Daddy finger, daddy finger, where

are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Mommy finger, mommy finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Brother finger, brother finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Sister finger, sister finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?
Baby finger, baby finger, where are you?
Here I am, Here I am, how do you do?

Слайд 12 Find all family words. Write one word into

Find all family words. Write one word into each gap.dwgranddaughterdchildgdaughterkkidograndsonvvsonmtwinhtniecehjnephewqgreatgrandparentsdfathermothergrandmothergrandfatherauntunclechildrenVIII. Word snake.

each gap.


VIII. Word snake.

Слайд 13 IX. Conclusion.

My father's mother is my ...

IX. Conclusion.My father's mother is my ...

My mother's father is my ... daughter
My father's daughter is my ... grandmother
My mother's son is my ... aunt
My brother is my father's ... uncle
My sister is my mother's ... grandfather
My father's sister is my ... sister
My mother's brother is my ... son

Слайд 14 X. Giving home task.
- Your home

X. Giving home task. - Your home task will be to

task will be to learn new words and to

a group picture of your family and tell about them to the class.

XI. Giving marks.

  • Имя файла: aғylshyn-tіlіnen-my-family-taқyrybyna-prezentatsiya.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 136
  • Количество скачиваний: 0