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Презентация на тему Infinitive and -ing forms starlight 7 1f

-ING form (GERUND)Употребляется в роли по подлежащего: Drinking milk is very good for your bones.После глаголов: admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, fancy, go (for activities), imagine, mind, miss, quiet, save, suggest, practice, prevent. I suggest
-ING form (GERUND) and INFINITIVEПрезентация для 7 классаГоворова Е.С.Школа 709, Москва.2016 -ING form (GERUND)Употребляется в роли по подлежащего: Drinking milk is very good После глаголов: love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate, чтобы выразить общее предпочтение.I После таких выражений, как: be busy, it’s no use, it’s (not) worth, Open the brackets using the –ing form.I admit__________(to work) with him for INFINITIVEInfinitive c частицей to употребляется:Для выражения цели: He’s saving money to buy После прилагательных, описывающих чувства, эмоции (happy, glad, sad, etc.) желание, нежелание (eager, Infinitive без частицы to:После модальных глаголовHe shouldn't see a doctor.После глаголов let, Сhoose the verb after which the Infinitive is used and complete the Put the verbs into (to) Infinitive or –ing form.She can’t_______(to imagine) hum
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 -ING form (GERUND)
Употребляется в роли по подлежащего:

-ING form (GERUND)Употребляется в роли по подлежащего: Drinking milk is very

milk is very good for your bones.
После глаголов: admit,

appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, fancy, go (for activities), imagine, mind, miss, quiet, save, suggest, practice, prevent.
I suggest eating out tonight.

Слайд 3 После глаголов: love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate,

После глаголов: love, like, enjoy, prefer, dislike, hate, чтобы выразить общее

чтобы выразить общее предпочтение.
I love watching old films.
Mary hate

waiting the order.
!НО! Для выражения определенного предпочтения с would like, would prefer, would love употребляется инфинитив с частицей to.
I would like to drink some coffee.

Слайд 4 После таких выражений, как: be busy, it’s no

После таких выражений, как: be busy, it’s no use, it’s (not)

use, it’s (not) worth, there’s no point (in), what’

the use of, can’ help, can’t stand, have difficulty (in), look forward to, object to, prefer (doing sth to doing sth else).
I look forward to seeing you next week.
He isn’t used to getting up early.
После глаголов: spend, waste, lose (time, money and etc.)
Don’t waste time trying to fix this.
После предлогов.
Pete is good at fixing computers.

Слайд 5 Open the brackets using the –ing form.
I admit__________(to

Open the brackets using the –ing form.I admit__________(to work) with him

work) with him for a while.
The rescue workers practise

__________(to climb) high walls and buildings.
It’s worth __________(to try) to make her do bangee jumping.
She loved _________(to look) at clouds when she was child.
He didn’t deny has strange habit _________(to watch) his neighbours through binoculars.
There’s no point in _____________(to argue) on the question.
We don’t mind___________(to surf) on holidays.
They look forward to___________(to visit) us on Christmas.
The couriers have difficulty in___________(to make) deliveries on time because of traffic jams.
She couldn’t help_________(to laugh) at the clowns as if she were a kid.

Infinitive c частицей to употребляется:
Для выражения цели: He’s

INFINITIVEInfinitive c частицей to употребляется:Для выражения цели: He’s saving money to

saving money to buy a car.
После глаголов относящихся к

будущему: agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plane, promise, refuse and etc.
I promise to return the money soon.
После would like, would prefer, would love.

Слайд 7 После прилагательных, описывающих чувства, эмоции (happy, glad, sad,

После прилагательных, описывающих чувства, эмоции (happy, glad, sad, etc.) желание, нежелание

etc.) желание, нежелание (eager, reluctant, willing, etc.) или характер

людей (clever, kind, etc.) , а так же после прилагательных lucky, fortunate.
He’s always eager to help out.
После too/enough
It is too cold to go swimming.
После выражений to tell you the truth, to be honest, to sum up, to begin with, etc.
To tell the truth, I didn’t really think they’d win.

Слайд 8 Infinitive без частицы to:
После модальных глаголов
He shouldn't see

Infinitive без частицы to:После модальных глаголовHe shouldn't see a doctor.После глаголов

a doctor.
После глаголов let, make, see, hear, feel
They made

him pay extra.
He was made to par extra.
В форме страдательного залога (be made, be heard, be seen) употребляется с частицей to.
После would rather() not, had better (not)
You had better book early.
После слова help может употребляться с или буз частицы to
I help her (to) move sofa.

Слайд 9 Сhoose the verb after which the Infinitive is

Сhoose the verb after which the Infinitive is used and complete

used and complete the sentences. Use the verbs in

They _____(can’t stand/aren’t glad)______(to see) such a mess.
I’m_______(willing/getting)______(to meet) them in some time.
They________(look forward/are eager)______(to make) friends with the new neighbours.
She ________(would rather not/wouldn’t prefer)______(to go) travelling by board.
Alice_________(suggested/wanted me)________(to cook)something exotic for the party.
We________(were made/were busy)______(to rewrite) the report.
Mike and Lucy________(planned/look forward to)______(get) married last month.
Little Walter_________(dislike/refuse)__________(to stay)at home along.
John_________(appears/imagined)__________(to be) avery talented singer.
The boys___________(feel like/would like)________(to dance) here tonight.

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  • Количество просмотров: 359
  • Количество скачиваний: 48